Dental Extraction
At Dental Reflections, our aim is to restore and save your teeth whenever possible, with procedures like dental fillings or root canal treatment. However, in some cases a tooth cannot be saved, and the best option is to remove it, for example if decay extends deep under the gum, if the tooth is cracked or if severe periodontal disease is occurring.
Our team provide painless tooth extractions in the comfort of our Perth clinic, conveniently located opposite the Joondalup Health Campus. Book online or contact us today on (08) 9300 1337.
Dental Extraction Recovery
Following your procedure, whether it’s wisdom teeth or general extraction, most people have very little discomfort during recovery. However, everyone is unique and will therefore respond differently to a tooth extraction. The discomfort associated with an upper tooth extraction is generally minimal, as the bone supporting these teeth is soft. If lower teeth are extracted, some pain and discomfort might be experienced for a day or two as the bone supporting these teeth is very dense. Usually, analgesics such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can alleviate some of the discomfort associated with a tooth extraction.
Wisdom Teeth Surgery
Wisdom teeth removal is a very common procedure in Perth, and usually completely painless. However, not all wisdom teeth need to be extracted and some people can keep their wisdom teeth all their lives without any problems. To make sure your wisdom teeth are healthy, your dentist will take digital x-rays of your mouth and jaws.
Wisdom teeth can sometimes cause pain and swelling when cavities, infection or gum inflammation is present. It might then be recommended to have them removed. Our qualified dentists will gently extract your wisdom teeth using a local anaesthetic to numb the area where the tooth will be removed. The only thing you might feel is some pressure.